Borrower Assistance / Help for Homeowners
If you are having difficulty with your payments, or if you anticipate having difficulty in the near future, please contact our Customer Care Counselors immediately, by calling toll-free at 800-919-0068. Even if you feel you do not have any resources or ability to pay your loan, communicate with us our Counselors may have the following options available to discuss with you. They are:
- Repayment Plans
- Forbearance Plans
- Hardest Hit Funds
- Loan Modifications
- Short Sale
- Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
If you would like to discuss whether any of these options are right for you, you can contact a Customer Care Counselor, toll free, at 800-919-0068.
In order for our representatives to best serve you with these options, they will need information related to your financial situation. Please be prepared to present the following info to your Customer Care Agent.
- A signed and dated “hardship letter” providing an explanation of the circumstances you have experienced which have caused you to fall behind.
- A signed and dated Borrower Assistance Form. This worksheet can be mailed to you upon request, or simply call us for assistance.
- The three most recent paystubs received for each borrower.
- The two most recent year’s tax returns and W-2’s for each borrower.
- The three most recent months bank statements for each account held by each borrower.
- If any borrower is unemployed, a copy of unemployment eligibility or explanation of benefits.
- If any borrower is self-employed, they will need the most recent six (6) months of bank statements for both their business and their personal accounts, a copy of IRS Form 1040 for the previous year, and a six (6) month profit and loss statement that is signed by a CPA.
- If your hardship is due to an increase in expenses, provide documentation of your expenses.
- A signed and completed request for tax transcripts (IRS form 4506-T) for the previous two years. This form can be downloaded from the IRS or mailed upon request. To request this Form from us, simply contact us at the toll free number provided above.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) also has approved housing counselors in your area who are able to help you. You can find a HUD counselor in your area by calling (800) 569-4287.
Modification Assistance Fraud has increased with the implementation of COVID relief measures. Please be aware that Village Capital & Investments, LLC is based in Henderson Nevada and does not conduct any Servicing Activity from Mount Laurel New Jersey. Furthermore, we do not use a third party to solicit Loss Mitigation. If someone contacts you and solicits your participation in a Loss Mitigation plan, please confirm their identity with us before providing them with any information or money. We can be reached at 800-919-0068, or by email at
COVID-19: The Homeowner Assistance Fund is a federal program to help households who are behind on their mortgage and other housing-related expenses due to COVID-19. This program is run at a state level. To find the appropriate state or US territory, or find additional information, please visit this web page –

The products or services described in this website do not originate from the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) or any other government agency. Village Capital & Investment LLC is not affiliated with your current lender and any loan information presented was not obtained from your current lender. Estimated payment is for a 30 year fixed rate loan and does not include taxes and insurance. These products may have higher interest rates, more points, or more fees than products requiring documentation. [1] Refinancing may result in higher total finance charges over the life of the loan. Village Capital & Investment LLC NMLS ID: 3317 Arizona Mortgage Banker License No. 0909593.